Over 500+ Weathers - Clear, Cloudy, Blizzards, Stormsnows, Rainy ,Stormrain, Foggy and Thunder weathers. It is especially tweaked to look stunning without a ENB in use - so also weaker Rigs get immersive weathers.

It overhauls all the Skyrim Weathers and imagespaces as well as add a whole bunch of new Weathers (500+) and effects (Snowstorms, blizzards, thick fog, distant fogs, distant rain, particle snowflakes.).and much more! It includes all features of Real skyrim Snowflakes, Vivid Clouds & Fogs, COT, ESS and SS. Vivid Weathers is the latest and biggest Weather and Visual Overhaul for Skyri.

Skyrim Romance is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, created by Mara